Bird Identification Chart: Know Your Bird From Its Body Parts, Shape And Color
There is a lot of useful information available that can be gleaned from studying a bird identification chart. Typically, this information includes learning about body parts such as the bill, crown, throat and eye ring as well as rump and belly. Knowing these parts will help you know which particular bird you are looking at. In addition to the body parts a bird identification chart can also show you the color of the bird which piece of information is important as it is perhaps the first bird characteristic that a bird watcher notices upon sighting a bird.
Bird Identification Chart: Size Does Matter
Another important piece of information that you will learn about from looking at a bird identification chart, the size of the bird is important to identifying different birds and the size of course is generally given in the bird identification chart in either centimeters or in inches. Other important pieces of information that are provided by a bird identification chart include the size of the bird’s bill, the shape of the bill and also the shape of his tail and you can also use information such as whether a particular has spotted bodies or plain bodies which is useful information that will help you to properly identify a bird.
Provided you can find the right bird identification chart you can use these charts to become an instant expert on birds. The more species that are included in a bird identification chart the more fascinating is the study of birds. So, before picking out an identification chart makes sure to check the range of bird species that are included in the chart as the more species you are able to get to know the easier it will be for you to identify the bird species when you go out for bird watching.
A good bird watcher should therefore make it a point to buy or study a good bird identification chart so that they are well prepared for their bird watching and will also know where to look for the species and how to identify the birds that they sight. Some of the bird identification charts being sold are very exhaustive and come with colorful illustrations that makes knowing a bird that much more fun and enjoyable.
When it comes to a bird watching chart you will be surprised at the variety on offer. There is a separate chard for garden birds, and one for wetland birds. With the help of these charts you can then learn about not only the bird characteristics but also where they are found and then choose your bird watching destination accordingly.