Bird Watching Life List: Keeping Permanent Records Of Your Bird Sightings
Bird watchers will do well to maintain a bird watching life list which should in fact be maintained in a separate journal that is devoted solely to bird watching. This bird watching life list will keep a permanent record of each new bird species that you have sighted and each entry can contain a whole lot of important and relevant information related to the bird species sighted, the sighting and other relevant information.
Bird Watching Life List: Separate Lists
Another aspect to keeping a bird watching life list is that in the case of certain kinds of bird species and your bird watching exploits, you can create a separate and global list or even special lists that keep notes of these exploits and special kinds of bird species. The plain truth is that maintaining one central bird watching life list is often too cumbersome and unwieldy and so keeping special lists for certain bird species helps do away with the clutter and ensures that you can find what you are looking for whenever you want to.
You can break down the bird watching life list according to location where the bird species was sighted like near your house or in some special National Park. Next, you can create a special yearly bird watching life list in which you can jot down sightings of bird species in different years. Similarly, you can maintain a list according to the state in which the sighting took place and you might also want to maintain separate bird watching life lists for various bird watching trips.
Lastly, it also pays to create a bird watching life list regarding the bird species that you wish to get a closer look at but which have not as yet been sighted. In addition to all these various kinds of bird watching life lists, you might even do well to purchase computer life lists which are available as programs and which typically come in the form of checklists. All you need to do is enter some information after which the computer will generate a list for you to use.
A bird watching checklist can prove to be an excellent tool that will help you create a more exciting bird watching tour or vacation. If you can identify different birds and their specific behaviors, and know which birds are similar to each other, then this information when put down in a checklist can help you plan for a more enjoyable bird watching tour or vacation.