Observing Feathered Friends Through Fun Bird Watching Games
Bird watching can be a fun experience and hobby for the entire family. That is because it offers a number of enriching opportunities for not only the family, but the Earth’s environment as well.
Specifically, through the hobby of bird watching, a family will join together to watch the habits and actions of birds. This can be especially rewarding for the family as it provides an educational opportunity for the parents to teach the children about honoring the animals that human beings share the earth with. In addition, this joining together of the family provides the venue that allows interaction amongst the family members and promotes growth as a family.
Therefore, if considering this hobby of bird watching, it is important to engage the entire family. One of the best methods for the family to make this an exciting experience is to combine the competition and fun of a game with the hobby of bird watching.
Subsequently it is important to know what bird watching is and what are some ways that fun bird watching games can be created.
What Is Bird Watching?: Fun Bird Watching Games
Bird watching can be an entertaining and educational hobby for an individual or for members in a family. Additionally, bird watching can be accomplished from the comfort of one’s own home or can be enjoyed in the outdoors at a bird sanctuary or refuge.
Additionally, the hobby of bird watching can be an inexpensive hobby because it requires minimal equipment. Generally, the bird watching hobby can be accomplished with a fairly inexpensive pair of binoculars, a notebook and a reference book that helps the individual or family to identify the various bird species. Often a notebook is important because the bird watcher may wish to make notes about sightings or may choose to draw a picture of the bird that they observe.
If choosing to conduct bird watching in one’s backyard it is important to make sure that there are bird feeders available to attract the various species of birds. Adding to the excitement of bird watching, the feeders can be home made. In addition, it is important to stock the feeders with a quality mixture of seed.
Creating Fun Bird Watching Games
In addition, to help engage the younger members of the family in the bird watching experience, it may prove useful to keep the attention of the young family members through a fun bird watching game. If thinking about a fun bird watching game, it may be helpful to know that there are various games on the market today that are available to the consumer. One such fun bird watching game is a bird watching trivia game.
Or, if the family wishes to be creative, they can make up their own fun bird watching game. This can be accomplished by simply coming up with a bird watching list consisting of three or four birds.
Those birds can have next to their names a picture of what the bird looks like. Once this has been accomplished then all the family needs to do is keep a lookout for that bird. When that bird has been sighted then the first person seeing that bird will be awarded a set number of points.
In addition, to add to the enjoyment, the individual seeing that bird will be required to mimic the sounds that the bird makes. This aspect of the fun bird watching game can bring a real dimension laughter and enjoyment.