What You Need To Know Before Your Go On Bird Watching Tours In India
Are you a bird watching enthusiast? If you are a bird watching enthusiast and you visiting India for the first time, you should see to it that you go on a bird watching tour. Bird watching tours in India is one of the best in this part of the world. If you take a look at some bird watching books, you will notice that a lot of rare and exotic species of bird can be found in some of the provinces of India. There are so many rare and interesting species of birds around India so you will definitely have a great time watching all these colorful birds. However, before you embark on a bird watching tour in India, there are a few things that you should know first.
Mind The Weather Before Your Go On Bird Watching Tours In India
If you come from one of the colder areas in the United States, you will surely find the weather in some parts of India as very oppressing. The heat in some parts of India can be rather intense so you need to be very careful when you go bird watching in these hot and humid places. You do not really want to end up sick with dehydration or worst, suffer from heat stroke. To make sure that you bird watching tour in India becomes a memorable and enjoyable experience, you need to check the weather first before you book your bird watching tour in India. You may also talk to some of those bird watching tour operators in India and ask them about the right time to go bird watching. Most of these bird watching tour operators in India have already meet clients who are just like you so they can help you with your predicament.
Mind The Clothes Before Your Go On Bird Watching Tours In India
You need to wear the right type of clothes if you want to go on a bird watching tour in India. No, you do not need to wear one of those native Hindu costumes or something. You will probably look ridiculous wearing that get up while trying to spot some birds in the wilderness. What you really need here are comfortable clothes and shoes. If you are going out on a hot an humid day, you need to wear breathable long sleeve cotton clothes. Why long sleeve clothes? Long sleeve clothes will help protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Moreover, it can help save your skin from the mosquitoes. Remember that like many parts of the world, India has its share of mosquitoes and other small blood sucking insects so if you do not want to end up feeding these mosquitoes with your blood, make sure that you wear long sleeve clothes or put on some insect repellant.